Latest News & Updates in KC Agriculture - August 2022


U.S. Congressional Representative Sharice Davids, Kansas 3rd District, made a quick visit to the Agricultural Business Council’s August meeting and luncheon at Grand Street Café in Kansas City. Rep. Davids said she was gratified to have joined the Congressional Ag Committee recently, noting she wanted to be on board with the ag industry that comprises such a large number of her constituents in the district.  Rep. Davids also pledged to work with Kansas 1st District Congressman Tracey Mann, who is also a member the Ag Committee. She hopes to be visiting Kansas City more often. “We need good input to legislate good ag policy.”

The U.S. Meat Export Federation indicated trade negotiations with Taiwan are moving forward and that science-based trade and production technologies will be part of the discussions, USMEF president and CEO Dan Halstrom told Agri-Pulse in an exclusive statement provided to Agri-Pulse (August 18, 2022). The U.S. dairy sector hopes the Biden administration will reconsider its decision not to include tariff-reducing provisions in the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade, said Jaime Castaneda, executive vice president of the National Milk ProducersFederation and the U.S. Dairy Export Council. Nevertheless, Castaneda stressed to Agri-Pulse that exporters are pleased to see the deal moving forward. The quantity of beef that the U.S. exported to Taiwan in the first five months of this year rose by 36% and value increased by 86%, according to USMEF data. Those exports accounted for 49% of Taiwan’s imports, making the U.S. its largest foreign supplier. Source: Agri-Pulse Communications.

National Pork Producer Council has indicated its support for Taiwan’s plans to lift non-tariff barriers against the U.S. NPPC also posted on its website that it will continue to defend the rights of U.S. hog farmers to use production processes and products that are safe. The Council also “opposes government mandates that – with no scientific backing – dictate production practices, increase food prices and restrict consumer choices.” The two countries agreed on general goals for the proposed U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade and said negotiations would begin this fall, Agri-Pulse Communications reported, August 29, 2022.

Pro Farmer, a division of Farm Journal, shared its much-anticipated production estimates on August 26 for the 2022 U.S. corn and soybean crops after analyzing information from the 30th annual Pro Farmer Crop Tour and other sources. The estimates are informed by Crop Tour data and observations collected by Crop Tour scouts in thousands of fields across seven key Midwestern states, and show results far below USDA expectations. Click here to read more from Farm Journal. 

The National Chicken Council recently published a survey showing 69% of American consumers think the term “meat” should only refer to products made from animals. The online survey polled more than 1,100 shoppers who self-identified as regular meat eaters, vegetarians, flexitarians or vegans and said there is confusion created by the way plant-based meats are sold as “chicken.” Some 21% of consumers said they have accidently purchased a plant-based product thinking it was real chicken. The NCC survey noted only 14% of Americans think “chicken” is an appropriate term for plant-based imitation poultry products.

The Kansas Department of Agriculture has published a Kansas Agribusiness Commodity Flow Study, which analyzes the movement of crops, livestock, and other agricultural products within and from the state of Kansas. The report identifies key value-added processing, market, and demand points while assessing the role and utilization of infrastructure essential to commodity movement. Results from the report include information about net outflows of feed ingredients, the role played by road and rail infrastructure in the agriculture supply chain, and how Kansas leverages strong local synergies to add value in livestock production and processing. Kansas Secretary of Agriculture Mike Beam said, “It will help identify where opportunities exist to enhance commodity flow and improve market efficiency and competitiveness of Kansas agriculture both domestically and globally.” The study is available online here.

The Arkansas River Compact Administration (ARCA) passed a resolution in July establishing a 20,000 acre/feet multi-purpose storage account in John Martin Reservoir. This new account is intended to benefit water users in Colorado and Kansas and promote commonly held interests not directly related to the Kansas-Colorado Arkansas River Compact such as water quality improvements. This is a pilot project to determine how a multi-purpose storage account could operate, document benefits, and determine if there are any adverse impacts from such an account. The account will be operated in accordance with an operating plan agreed to by the states and will terminate on March 31, 2028, unless extended by ARCA. Find more information online here.

Elanco Animal Health recently released its 2021 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report – Changing the World One Animal at Time. The 2021 ESG Report expands on the company’s inaugural 2020 ESG Summary, providing updates on the company’s sustainability programs, policies and initiatives as well as metrics and targets in several key areas, including workforce diversity and environmental impact. More information on Elanco’s sustainability initiative is available here.  FYI: Jeff Simmons, president and CEO of Elanco will speaking at the Ag Outlook Forum, September 26, 2022, presented by Agri-Pulse Communications and Agricultural Business Council of Kansas City.

Farm Journal celebrated the 40th Anniversary of AgDay TV, the newscast of record for U.S. agriculture, serving the nation’s farmers and agricultural industry through its award-winning, nationally-syndicated daily newscast. Viewers across the country watch the agriculture news program each morning on 121 affiliate stations and RFD-TV, reaching more than 53 million viewers each year. “Farm Journal is proud of AgDay’s legacy in delivering the news farmers, ranchers and growers across the country need to run their operations,” said Charlene Finck, president of Lenexa, Kansas-based Farm Journal.  AgDay was a pioneer in syndicated television along with programs like Entertainment Tonight and Wheel of Fortune. The program was responsible for many local TV stations adding morning news to their programming lineup. AgDay launched in 1982 by satellite — brand new technology at the time — on a handful of local affiliates. Farm Journal acquired the show in 1998, adding national television to its industry-leading print publications.

Just so you know…… Chick-fil-A, one of the nation’s most popular quick-service restaurants, does not have plans to put chicken wings on its menu. Wing aficionados – and they are legion – have been salivating at the idea of grabbing an order of those saucy bone-in delicacies from indisputably the fastest, most efficient and most courteous drive-through operations around. But it isn’t to be. Hopes were dashed when Chick-fil-A squelched reports that it would be serving wings. The rumor emerged – and got legs – when word got out that Little Blue Menu, a restaurant chain, would be putting chicken wings on its menu. Chick-fil-A Corporation owns and operates Little Blue Menu. “We aren’t testing chicken wings at Chick-fil-A restaurants,” a company representative recently told Eater, a local restaurant guide published by digital media company Vox

Purdue University’s Center for Food Demand Analysis and Sustainability has added a meat sentiment dashboard to its roster of free-access food system dashboards. The new dashboard, updated weekly, shows the sentiment and volume of meat and meat alternative mentions in social media and online news. Users may explore the sentiment and volume of #Meat mentions in all 50 states individually for social media or the entire country in a narrowly or broadly defined time range starting with April 2020 in online news and social media. More information is available here.

The American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) released its annual Our Industry, Our Promise report detailing the challenges the U.S. feed and pet food industry faced over the past year and the steps the AFIA took to address member priorities. The report provides an overview of this unique industry segment’s impact on the U.S. economy, its efforts to promote animal food safety and worker health and safety, and its forward-thinking initiatives to enhance global competitiveness and industry environmental sustainability programs. More information is available here.



Dennis Rodenbaugh has been named president and CEO of Dairy Farmers of America. He succeeds Richard Smith, who stepped down after 16 years of service. Rodenbaugh most recently worked as the executive vice president of council operations and president of Ingredient Solutions.

Kevin O’Donnell has been appointed as Dairy Farmers of America’s senior vice president of sustainability. O’Donnell comes from FTW Ventures, where he served as a sustainability strategy adviser.

Chad Tenpenny, Tenpenny Law, announced earlier this summer the creation of a strategic alliance with the Lawrence, Kansas based law firm Stevens & Brand LLP. Tenpenny Law is primarily focused on government relations counsel; however, Chad takes great pride in helping clients navigate any professional or personal issue that might present itself. The alliance with Stevens & Brand provides Tenpenny Law with the ability to offer a wider range and greater depth of services for clients. Stevens & Brand is a century-old, full-service, mid-sized Kansas law firm with offices in Lawrence and Topeka.

Kansas City, Missouri-based AgriThority® recently brought on board Elleonora Da Riva as a product development agronomist working in the South American market. "We continue to see an increased focus on bringing new innovations to evaluate and eventually market in South America," said Ignacio Colonna, AgriThority Global Director, Science and Technology. "Eleonora’s experience in entomology and agronomy paired with her product development knowledge will be an asset to our AgriThority clients." 

Kelsey Barnes is now Farm Journal Foundation’s senior manager of government affairs. She comes from Syngenta as the manager of federal government relations.

Southeast Missouri soybean farmer, Aaron Porter, has been elected as Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council’s Chairman. In this role, Porter will lead 13 farmer-leaders elected to serve and oversee Missouri’s soybean checkoff investments. Porter, from Dexter, Missouri, represents District 7 on the MSMC board. Porter farms full-time with his father-in-law and wife, growing corn, cotton and soybeans.

Sydney Thunnel is the new executive director of the Missouri Beef Industry Council. Thummel had been manager of membership for the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association. She is a graduate of Northwest Missouri State University where she earned a BA in agriculture business and an MBA.

Kansas Corn recently welcomed Connie Fischer to its team as Director of Innovation and Commercialization. Fischer will look for ways to increase corn demand through new uses, encourage the commercialization of commission-funded research, work with partners to increase exports, and administer the commission’s research program. She received a bachelor’s degree in agronomy with an emphasis in business from Kansas State University. During college, she worked for the U.S. Geological Survey on an atrazine runoff study in the Delaware River Basin.

Twenty-five students from seven schools in Kansas have been awarded the Kansas Department of Agriculture’s Kansas Agriculture Skills and Competencies Certificate. The students have completed requirements in the areas of classroom instruction, supervised agricultural experience (SAE) and FFA. These certificates have been endorsed by several industry organizations and employers including Kansas Farm Bureau, Frontier Farm Credit and Triangle H,  Kansas Grain & Feed Association, Kansas Livestock Association, Kansas Wheat, Frontier Farm Credit, Harris Crop Insurance, Hummert International, Scott Cooperative Association, Milliken Ag Concepts, Middle Creek Seed. To see which students at which schools earned the certificates click here.

The National FFA Organization has given high priority to diversity and inclusion in its recently released strategic plan and value statements. “It’s a charge that FFA CEO Scott Stump says is critical not only for the future health of the organization, but also for the workforce American agriculture will need in coming years,” reported Agri-Pulse Communications (August 25, 2022). FFA also just announced record membership “topping 850,000 students for the first time.”

Sabrina Halvorson, an NAFB Broadcast Council member, recently published her first book, a novel titled Sins of the Father. Halvorson has been a news professional for more than 30 years. She has been actively involved with NAFB since she became a member 10 years ago when she joined the staff of AgNet West. She is currently the national correspondent for AgNet Media. Learn more about Halvorson’s book at  Source: Erin Nash, NAFB.



The anticipated White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Health takes place September 28. As the event will be held in the White House, attendance is limited to invitees. But White house officials have said the proceedings can be followed online. This will be the first Conference of this kind in more than 50 years. For details and instructions for attending online click here.

Upcoming events this fall at K-State University Olathe include professional development training in the animal health field including a workshop that will review the Center for Veterinary Biologics and Center for Veterinary Medicine requirements for deviations, investigations, root cause analysis and corrective actions.  Check the K-State Olathe website for exact dates. Attendees may choose to participate in a full-day session or choose either half-day sessions. The morning session will cover FDA processes and CVM requirements. USDA and CVB requirements and processes will be discussed in the afternoon. More information is available here.

The Federal Milk Marketing Order Forum, hosted by AFBF in Kansas City, Missouri, October 14-16, will discuss solutions to Federal Milk Marketing Order shortfalls. Panels will cover various aspects of the Federal Milk Marketing Orders followed by roundtable discussions structured to spur conversation among all parts of the dairy sector, but with a clear focus on farmers. Registration is open through September 22 on the Federal Milk Marketing Order Forum website. From the website participants can also view the agenda and secure lodging.

Kansas Livestock Association reminds producers they can apply for scholarships and grants to attend the 2023 Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Trade Show, February 1-3 in New Orleans. To help producers attend, NCBA is offering a variety of scholarships and grants. Recipients will receive a complimentary education package registration and discounted housing for three nights. Stipends will be awarded to up to five beef cattle industry members, up to three young beef producers and up to three students currently enrolled in classes. Applications for all categories are due September 23. Apply at In addition to the scholarship program, NCBA continues to offer the Rancher Resilience Grant, which supports cattle producer attendance at educational events, such as Cattlemen’s College, held prior to convention. Administered by NCBA, the grant is made possible through the National Cattlemen’s Foundation and Cargill Protein. To apply for a grant to cover registration and two nights’ hotel stay, click here. Cattlemen’s College will be an event option once convention registration opens October 3.  

National Association of Farm Broadcasters will hold its 79th annual convention at Westin Crown Center, Kansas City, November 16-18, 2022. The NAFB Convention brings together broadcast professionals, ag industry leaders and students focused on the agriculture industry. NAFB Convention is a great opportunity to connect with industry peers, brush up on professional skills, and learn more about opportunities and challenges impacting the U.S. farmer and rancher. For more information on NAFB Convention, connect with the NAFB office at