Celebrate National Ag Day

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The Agricultural Business Council of Kansas City celebrates National Agriculture Day on March 14, 2019.  It is a great occasion to highlight the impact of this industry that is present in every Kansas City resident’s life. Though rural businesses exist just miles outside of the city, many do not understand the range of today’s production agriculture.

Agriculture jobs don’t just include farming. They span an entire economy, from equipment manufacturers, seed and chemical technologies, food processors, animal production and more, and jobs like these are a foundation of the regional economy in Kansas City. Recent research from the Agricultural Business Council of Kansas City, the American Royal and the Kansas Department of Agriculture hasshown that agri-business has a $29.3 billion impact on the region and supports 114,503 jobs in the Greater Kansas City Area. While that number is impressive, it is important to continue to cultivate this industry into the next generation. 

While some may think of their grandfather’s agriculture or what stereotypes are portrayed on television, that does not paint the full picture of the global industry. Today’s agriculture production relies on modern, sophisticated technology and management techniques that rival any technology company. In fact, companies like Amazon are taking notice and hiring employees to focus on agriculture technology.

What agriculture needs today is bright young minds who are creative and interested in helping feed a hungry world. Encourage students to engage with agriculture in school through science, technology, engineering andmath (STEM) and see firsthand how those skills can translate to the many career opportunities agriculture provides.


Robert Thompson, Chairman
Agricultural Business Council of Kansas City